A small group of adults learning how to support young people with mental health challenges

Mental Health First Aid: Youth

For adults to learn how to support a young person experiencing mental health challenges.

Learn how to support a young person experiencing mental health challenges.

Available for:




Embark on a journey to become a lifeline for young people with our Youth Mental Health First Aid course. This specialised training is meticulously crafted to provide you with the tools and understanding necessary to identify and support adolescents facing mental health challenges.

As you navigate this interactive and insightful program, you will gain the competence to recognise early signs of mental health difficulties in young people, offer initial aid, and guide them towards appropriate care. Together, we can create a vigilant, supportive, and caring environment that nurtures the mental well-being of our younger generation.

Course Options

14in-person2 x 7-hour sessions over 2 days
14blendedSelf-paced online (4-5 hours), followed by a one day (7 hours) OR 2 x half days (3.5 hours) face-to-face sessions
14onlineSelf-paced online (4–6.5 hours), followed by 3 x 2.5-hour video conferencing sessions


Participants must be over 18 years of age.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health problems in young people.
  • Use an evidence-based action plan to initiate a mental health first-aid conversation.
  • Assess for a range of crises and provide initial support.
  • Understand the prevalence and impact of mental illnesses and associated risk factors and the treatments and supports available.
  • Distinguish between typical and expected changes during adolescence and the development of mental health problems.
  • Understand the scope of the Mental Health First Aider role and the medical rights of minors.
  • Apply self-care practices as a Mental Health First Aider.

This course leads to becoming an accredited Mental Health First Aider. Accreditations are valid for three years. A refresher course extends the certification for a further three years.